July 8, 2024 4:24 pm

How to Lose Weight on a Treadmill in a Month

A very common aerobic exercise machine is the treadmill. A treadmill can aid in weight loss if that is your goal in addition to being a flexible cardio machine.

In this article, we’ll introduce four ways to lose weight with a treadmill workout and we also prepared a plan for a general sample weight loss workout that you can use.

Nearly every gym has a treadmill, making it an accessible option for people of all fitness levels. Treadmills can also easily be added to your home gym if you prefer to exercise there.

Treadmill Weight-Loss Basics

Running and walking are both cardiovascular exercises that can help you live longer and burn calories while enhancing your immune system, mood, and heart health. When you walk a mile on a treadmill at a moderate pace, you can burn about 100 calories in 20 minutes. Running will enable you to travel further in the same amount of time and burn more calories.

For instance, a 160-pound person running at 5 mph will burn more than 600 calories. For the same person, half that amount will be expended in an hour of brisk walking. For ​treadmill weight loss​, running may be the quickest path to your goals.

If you enjoy walking or if running every day doesn’t feel good for your body, that doesn’t mean you have to stop doing it. The workout can be made more difficult by simply walking faster and inclining the ground. As your leg strength and endurance improve, gradually increase the incline from 1 to 5 percent.

Workout Plans and Tips

Let’s look at the fundamentals of using a treadmill to lose weight as well as some potential workout strategies.

1. High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Alternating sets of vigorous exercise and rest constitute high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

According to a 2017 study Exercises that involve high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have the potential to be an efficient way to burn calories quickly and reduce body fat.

The goal is to exercise intensely for brief intervals while taking breaks in between. This burns a lot of calories, which aids in weight loss.

In addition, your body tries to go back to a normal resting state after a HIIT workout. It accomplishes this by using body fat as fuel during metabolism.

Here’s how to do HIIT on a treadmill:

  1. Treadmill should be leveled. To warm up, take a 5-minute walk at 2 mph.
  2. For 30 seconds, jog at 9 to 10 mph.
  3. For 60 seconds, walk at 3 to 4 mph.
  4. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
  5. To cool down, take a five-minute walk at 2 mph.

Alternate between jogging and sprinting for a more challenging workout. To each high-intensity set, you can also add more minutes. The ideal length of your rest and high-intensity intervals is two times as long.

2. Find Your Fat-burning Zone

Exercise on the treadmill at your fat-burning heart rate can assist in weight loss. You burn the most calories per minute in this zone.

You must first figure out your maximum heart rate in order to determine your fat-burning zone. Your heart can only beat this many times in a minute of exercise.

Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate, for instance, is 180 beats per minute (220 x 40 = 180) if you are 40 years old.

Your heart rate should be 70% of your maximum in order to burn fat. If your maximum heart rate is 180 beats per minute, your fat-burning zone is 70% of 180, or 126 beats per minute (180 x 0.70 = 126).

You can calculate your recommended level of effort to support weight loss using this number. Here’s one way to do it:

  1. Your wrist or chest should be covered by a heart rate monitor. flatten the treadmill. To warm up, take a 5-minute walk at 2 mph.
  2. Set the incline at 2%. 1 minute of jogging at 4 mph.
  3. Run at 8 to 10 mph, or until you reach your fat-burning zone. At this heart rate, run for 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. Jog for one minute at 4 mph.
  5. To cool down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

Although the typical fat-burning zone is 70%, everyone is different. While some people may be able to enter the fat-burning zone at 55 percent of their maximum heart rate, others may need to reach 80 percent. It is dependent on a number of variables, including sex, age, level of fitness, and health issues.

At a slower treadmill speed, you might also reach your fat-burning zone.

Your ideal heart rate and speed for weight loss can be determined with the help of a personal trainer.

3. Get Out of a Rut

Changing up your routine is another way to lose weight while using a treadmill. By doing a different workout each time, you can:

  • Reduce the possibility of injury. Your joints will be stressed if you keep doing the same exercise. Overuse injuries are more likely, which could cause you trouble.
  • Avoid reaching a plateau in your workouts. You’ll see fewer results the more often you perform a particular exercise. To advance, your body needs to be pushed.
  • Prevent boredom. If you regularly change up your workout, you’re more likely to stay with your routine.

Here’s a sample workout plan, where different treadmill workouts are incorporated into a balanced exercise routine:

  • Sunday: rest, leisurely walk, or gentle yoga
  • Monday: treadmill HIIT routine for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: light treadmill jog and strength training
  • Wednesday: rest, leisurely walk, or gentle yoga
  • Thursday: light treadmill jog and strength training
  • Friday: treadmill HIIT routine for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Saturday: barre class or bodyweight workout

4. Add Hills

Add hills to your treadmill routine to up the difficulty. Since your body has to work harder, brisk walking or incline running burns more calories.

Additionally, more muscles are activated, which helps to add more lean muscle mass. Due to the fact that muscle burns more calories than fat, this aids in weight loss.

If you’d like to exercise on an incline, try this treadmill sequence:

  1. Set the treadmill to the flat position. To warm up, take a 5-minute walk at 2 mph.
  2. Set the incline to 1 percent. Jog for one minute at 4 to 6 mph.
  3. Every minute, raise the incline by 1%. Continue until the incline is between 8 and 10 percent.
  4. Each minute, lower the incline by 1%. To reach a 0 to 1 percent incline, repeat the process.
  5. For 5 minutes, stroll at 2 mph to cool off.

The typical speed for jogging is 4 to 6 mph. To make this workout harder, you can speed up or extend the number of minutes.

In order to make it simpler, raise the incline by 0.5 percent every minute. When you reach an incline of 4 to 5 percent, continue until you reach it in reverse.

run on treadmill

General Sample Weight Loss Workout on a Treadmill

First Week – The warmup and cooling down duration remains three minutes

DayWalk DurationInclineWalking Pace
13-4 minutesZero percent2.4-2.5 mph
24-5 minutesZero percent2.4-2.5 mph
34-5 minutesZero percent2.6-2.7 mph
45-6 minutesZero percent2.6-2.7 mph
55-6 minutesZero percent2.8-2.9 mph
66-7 minutesZero percent2.8-2.9 mph

On the seventh day, take a nap.

Second Week – The warmup and cooling down duration remains three minutes

DayWalk DurationInclineWalking Pace
86-7 minutesOne percent2.8-2.9 mph
97-8 minutesOne percent2.8-2.9 mph
108-9 minutesOne percent2.8-2.9 mph
118-9 minutesTwo percent2.8-2.9 mph
129-10 minutesTwo percent2.8-2.9 mph
1310-11 minutesTwo percent2.8-2.9 mph

Take rest on the 14th day.

Third Week – The warmup and cooling down duration remains three minutes

DayWalk DurationInclineWalking Pace
1510-11 minutesTwo percent3-3.1 mph
1611-12 minutesTwo percent3-3.1 mph
1711-12 minutesTwo percent3.2-3.3 mph
1812-13 minutesTwo percent3.2-3.3 mph
1912-13 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph
2013-14 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph

Take rest on the 21st day.

Fourth Week – The warmup and cooling down duration remains three minutes

DayWalk DurationInclineWalking Pace
2214-15 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph
2315-16 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph
2416-17 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph
2517-18 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph
2618-19 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph
2720-21 minutesTwo percent3.4-3.5 mph

Take rest on the 28th day.

Start working out for 30 minutes each day starting in the fifth week. If you don’t think you can exercise every day, try walking for 35 minutes three or four days a week. Increase the incline to up to three percent for half of the workout time starting in the sixth week. Perform the entire workout with a three percent incline in the seventh week, excluding the warm-up and cool-down periods. For half of the work in the eighth week, up the tempo to 3.7–3.8 mph, and for the entire workout in the ninth week, keep the same tempo.

Increase the inclination by up to four percent in the tenth week of your exercise program, and then keep it at four percent for the duration of your workout in the eleventh. Now, in the twelfth week, increase the speed to up to 3.9 mph to 4 mph for half the workout and then for the whole workout on your last twelfth-week exercise

Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Cardio exercise, such as a treadmill workout, has numerous advantages besides helping people lose weight. It may help:

  • improve endurance
  • control blood sugar
  • increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels
  • improve memory and cognition
  • protect against Alzheimer’s
  • promote healthier skin
  • strengthen muscles
  • decrease fatigue
  • decrease joint stiffness
  • relieve stress and anxiety
  • promote better sleep
  • increase energy levels
  • boost your immune system
  • improve sexual arousal

Final Words: Let’s Burn Calories!

Now you have already known how to use the treadmill to lose weight, let’s exercise and burn calories!

Consult a licensed personal trainer if you’re unsure of what kind of treadmill exercise is most effective for you. Your customized treadmill weight loss program can be developed in collaboration with them.

Combine treadmill workouts with strength training for the best results. Both types of exercise can aid in promoting overall health and weight loss.

Before beginning a new fitness regimen, speak with your doctor if you’re new to exercise or if you haven’t worked out in a while.