July 7, 2024 6:59 pm

How Long Should I Walk On The Treadmill For Beginners? – Knowledge Time

How Long Should A Beginner Spend Walking On A Treadmill?

For beginners, 15 to 30 minutes of treadmill walking will aid in weight loss. With just 10 to 15 minutes, you could get started. You could begin with five minutes if that proves difficult.

Try 10 or 15 minutes of treadmill walking if 20 seems too daunting at this time. You can even spread out your workout throughout the day if that is more convenient. Jump on the treadmill for five to ten minutes at a time, twice or three times per day to lengthen your workout without feeling like you must set aside a sizable 15 or 20-minute block of time.

What Should Be Your Speed?

Beginning with brisk walking is a good idea. Increase the speed once you get the hang of it. In a shorter amount of time, speed intervals burn more calories. But starting with it may result in strained or damaged muscles. Start out slowly, add some interval training, and then up the intensity. Using the treadmill’s incline and varying the speed are two ways to test your limits.

How Often Should I Walk To Lose Weight?

Your current weight, level of fitness, and daily calorie intake will all affect your results. However, most people should burn around 200-300 calories walking on a treadmill at a brisk pace for about 60 minutes. You should not be jogging or running; instead, keep a pace of brisk walking, which is 3.5 mph (5.6 km/h).

As your body adjusts to walking, you may notice that you burn more calories during the first few weeks of starting an exercise routine again. Since you will lose the most weight during this time, it is crucial to take advantage of it. Over time, weight loss will slow as your body gets more fit and gets used to walking.

You now need to either extend your walking session to 60 to 90 minutes, walk at a faster speed of 4 mph (6.4 km/h), or add an incline to your treadmill.

Benefits Of Treadmill Walking

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults should engage in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous exercise. By walking for up to 60 minutes per day, you can further increase the positive effects on your health. Throughout the week, you can also decide to mix moderate and vigorous activities.

According to the Mayo Clinic, developing a regular walking routine will probably result in a number of advantages. You can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes, lower your blood pressure, and strengthen your bones and muscles in addition to losing or maintaining your weight. The more you lace up your walking shoes, the better your balance and coordination will be, as well as your mood.

The advantages of using a treadmill for exercise may also apply at work. Employees at a financial services company swapped chairs for treadmills as part of a small study that was published in the February 2014 issue of PLoS One. The purpose of the 12-month study was to determine how employees were impacted by the availability of treadmill workstations.

1. Keeping Fit

The treadmill will help you achieve your desired level of fitness or the recommended amount of daily exercise, depending on your objectives. 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intensive aerobic activity per week is suggested to maintain your current weight. Three to four times per week, for 30 to 45 minutes, brisk walking or jogging on a treadmill will suffice to keep you in shape.

If you are a beginner with little prior running experience, start by jogging at a slow and comfortable pace while incorporating regular walking intervals for 15-20 minutes several times per week. A steady-state run or incline walk is the way to go if you want a longer, more intense workout. Try 30 minutes for a moderately intense workout like jogging or incline walking or 40 minutes for a low-intensity walk.

Another excellent way to warm up or cool down before strength training is to take a stroll or jog on the treadmill. Your muscles will become more flexible as a result of this aerobic exercise, which will also get you ready for the majority of your workout. In these situations, a low-intensity treadmill workout of 5–10 minutes is advised. You run the risk of exhaustion if your treadmill warm-up is intense before your workout even begins.

2. Burn Calories

Walking on a treadmill will help you reach your weight loss goal by burning calories. Depending on your weight and walking speed, you will burn calories.

Harvard Health Publishing estimates that a 155-pound person walking at 3.5 mph will burn about 149 calories in 30 minutes. The calorie burn for the same person increases to about 167 calories when the speed is increased to 4 mph.

You must burn more calories than you consume each day to lose one pound of fat. According to MedlinePlus, reducing your caloric intake by about 500 calories a day will enable you to lose about 1 pound every week. Combining exercise with a healthy diet will help you reach that calorie deficit.

Aim for a diet high in whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables with little added sugar and little to no fat. You can reduce your calorie intake by simply cutting out sugary drinks and alcohol, replacing unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives, and watching your portion sizes, to name a few strategies.

3. Add Intensity To Your Workout

You can further raise your calorie burn with a treadmill workout that is more intense. According to Harvard Health Publishing, adding an incline can help you use more of your muscles and burn more calories. You can intensify your workout by walking faster or including brief runs.

In actuality, calorie burning is best achieved by engaging in short bursts of more intense exercise followed by rest periods. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) refers to this type of exercise as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which raises your body’s oxygen demands. Your caloric expenditure will be higher both during and after your workout as a result.

4. Trim Fat With The Treadmill

Along with assisting in weight loss, calorie burning on a treadmill will help you get rid of dangerous belly fat that surrounds your internal organs. This visceral fat, which differs from the fat you can pinch with your fingers, is concerning because of its association with a number of health issues.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, visceral fat is associated with a number of problems, including impaired insulin regulation, an elevated risk of heart disease, and high cholesterol. While walking on a treadmill will help you lose overall body fat, it is important to note that you cannot spot-reduce belly fat or any other type of fat.

If you’re unsure whether visceral fat is a problem for you, you might want to assess the risk factors for abdominal obesity that apply to you specifically. You can measure your own waist circumference as a quick, low-cost method. Here’s how:

  1. Remove your shoes and stand with your feet together.
  2. Exhale fully.
  3. Measure your waist at the navel while having your belly bare using a flexible measuring tape.
  4. Your measurement should be recorded down to the nearest tenth of an inch.

5. Strength

Despite being well-known for helping people lose weight, treadmills are also excellent tools for building strength. Running works a variety of muscles throughout your body, and it can strengthen your core and tone your hamstrings, glutes, and lower body muscles. These muscle groups will be worked by running at a moderate to fast pace.

A great way to increase the intensity of your workout is to include an incline because walking up an incline encourages your legs to work against the resistance. If you’re new to incline walking, begin by moving at a brisk pace, which is typically between 4 and 5 km/h, and then raise the resistance to levels 7 and up. Prior to lowering your running belt back to flat and beginning your next interval, try increasing the incline even further. You can make advancements along the way by completing intervals, which will boost your inline walking self-assurance. On an incline, more seasoned users can finish an entire workout. This exercise can be finished in 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the incline’s intensity.

6. Training For A Race

Getting ready for a marathon or charity race? A treadmill is an ideal piece of equipment for training for long runs. Aim to run for at least the length of the race when preparing for long runs. If the upcoming race is 10 kilometers, be ready to train by running on the treadmill for at least 10 kilometers. Building up your treadmill running to be longer than the race will make race day easier because you’ve already run a distance longer than the race. Increasing your running distance will assist in adjusting to the more difficult terrain of outdoor running because treadmill running is a little easier than outdoor running. Add incline to your treadmill workout to further simulate the outdoor course if you are aware that the race will involve hills. Your running time will get faster as you get better at it.

There is no need to manually adjust your speed or incline because the treadmill will adjust itself in accordance with your course on many Lifespan Fitness treadmills that have workout programs that let you choose a pre-set course or create a custom one. You can choose a program that is the most representative of your actual run from those that range in length and intensity.

Is A Treadmill Walk Better Than A Outside Walk?

When deciding whether to walk outside or on a treadmill, there is no right or wrong answer. You alone will determine the solution to this. Walking outside, for instance, maybe a better option for you if you enjoy nature and live in a moderate climate because it allows you to breathe fresh air, take in the scenery, and walk for a considerable amount of time.

The best option, though, is a treadmill if you live somewhere that is particularly hot or cold, don’t have time to go for a walk during the day, or even just want to watch TV to pass the time. At any time of the day, in a relaxed setting, you can walk at your leisure.

If you have any injuries, using a treadmill will also give you a smooth, constrained walking surface. If you live in a busy area, the ground may be uneven and there may even be obstacles like roads and other people. On a treadmill, it’s easier to maintain the proper speed and incline, and you can calculate your caloric expenditure much more quickly than you can outside.

Can You Lose Weight By Treadmill Walking Alone?

Walking can help you lose weight without the need for other forms of exercise or a special diet. It’s crucial to realize that daily treadmill walking will not result in noticeable weight loss for 12 to 24 weeks.

You can lose weight by walking on a treadmill, but this will only work if you add it to your daily routine without compensating. For instance, if you walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill and then reward yourself with candy, you may end up gaining weight. This means that you must incorporate treadmill walking into your regular routine if you want to lose weight doing it.

You will make progress much more quickly than you would just by walking if you combine treadmill walking with healthy dietary choices. If you are unsure or have any health concerns, talk to your doctor. The precise amount of weight you want to lose and the time frame in which you want to lose it are personal and individual.

The general concept behind treadmill walking is that it is an approachable form of exercise for many people, and by burning a few extra calories each day, you can gradually start to see the progress of your hard work and consistency. It’s the ideal form of physical activity for those who are obese and unfit.


A Lifespan Fitness treadmill can assist you in achieving your fitness goals, whether they are to maintain your current level of fitness, lose weight, gain strength, or prepare for a race. It is advised to start out slowly and gradually increase your duration as you advance if you are new to treadmill training. Your knowledge of the treadmill’s features will grow with time, and you’ll soon be well on your way to reaching your fitness objectives.