July 11, 2024 2:36 pm
Water Bottle

How Often To Wash Water Bottle? Several Tips Can Become Quickly

Many benefits can be derived from using reusable water bottles. They make sure we drink enough water, are better for the environment, and, let’s face it, they can be really adorable too! But it’s likely that we’re all a little guilty of using those water bottles more frequently than we should without washing them.

But given the COVID-19 pandemic, how should you really wash your water bottle, and should we do it more frequently? To learn how to keep your favorite bottle clean, healthy, and hydrated, we spoke with experts.

How Often To Wash Water Bottle?

Washing your reusable water bottle at least once a day. As a result, the bottle will stay comparatively clean for daily use. Some experts advise sanitizing your water bottle at least once per week and even more frequently if you’re sick or frequently carry it outside.

How Dirty Are Reusable Water Bottles?

Fun fact: Your reusable water bottle likely contains more bacteria than your pet’s bowl. It’s true what you read. The average reusable water bottle is teeming with germs, as many as 300,000 colony-forming units per square centimeter (CFU/sq cm), some of which were E.Coli, according to Be Bottle and USA Today, who cited lab testing performed by New Jersey-based EmLab P & K.

In contrast, the dish for your dog has only 43,000 CFU/sq cm. Even the cleanest of the tested water bottles was only slightly more hygienic than a typical toilet seat.

How Should A Reusable Water Bottle Be Cleaned?

It is well known for producing stainless steel water bottles that are lightweight and have a small opening at the top, but openings that small are challenging to get inside and thoroughly clean. This might be the reason the people at S’well advise using a long-handled cleaning or bottle brush to clean all the nooks and crannies in your reusable water bottles.

For a more natural clean, you could also add a little baking soda or cleaning vinegar to the hot water and dish soap you’ll need to wash out your water bottles. It’s also crucial to keep in mind to thoroughly clean your bottle’s top, straws, and nozzles and to completely dry each one before reusing it.

How To Keep Your Water Bottle Clean?

To maintain a reasonable level of cleanliness in your bottle, all the experts agree that you should wash your water once daily, every day. However, there are other things you can do to make your reusable water bottle cleaner.

  1. A stainless steel reusable water bottle is a good investment. Incubators for germs are plastic water bottles. Plastic is a material that is highly porous and brittle. In these places, bacteria and germs can gather. Stainless steel, by contrast, is naturally antiseptic, meaning that instead of acting as a breeding ground for germs, it actively repels them
  2. It may seem obvious to say, but always wash your hands with soap and water. Many people believe that all a water bottle needs to be clean is a quick rinse under hot water. Contrary to popular belief, washing your water bottle with soap and water, preferably antibacterial soap, and thorough rinsing afterward will help you get rid of the majority of germs.
  3. Another error people make is cleaning their bottles but not drying them afterward! Bacterial growth can increase when water is left to sit in a bottle. Before putting your bottle away, make sure it is nice and dry.
  4. Purchase an inexpensive, washable water bottle. Some water bottles aren’t meant to be washed. Cleaning the necessary areas might be challenging. Companies like Be Bottle created stainless steel water bottles with removable bottoms so you can clean all the hard-to-reach places where bacteria is likely to grow because they understand how important it is to have a clean water bottle.

It shouldn’t be harmful to leave water in a water bottle if it is stored properly. In fact, as long as it is stored correctly, it is even safe to drink even if you drank from it.

Water left in an unsuitable environment for a long period of time in a water bottle will be contaminated. For instance, bacteria can grow in a water bottle that has been left in a hot car overnight or all day.

An open water bottle cap that has been left on for a while exposes the water to contamination and possible bacteria. In light of this, if you plan to leave water in a water bottle, make sure it is properly sealed and stored.

Water Bottle

Can Drinking Old Water Make You Sick?

The water is safe to drink for a day or two if it was left undisturbed, in a clean glass, and in an undusted environment. The majority of U.S. tap water contains chlorine additives. Small microorganisms can be eliminated by these additives.

After being left for a few hours, the water may taste strange. This is brought on by the pH being lowered as a result of the interaction between the water (H2O) in your water bottle and ambient carbon dioxide.

In conclusion, it is best to wash your water bottle every day, especially if you use it every day. To be safe, make sure to sanitize it once a week or more. Even the best water bottles require regular cleaning.